Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The New Glucose Revolution Low GI Eating Made Easy or Buried in Treasures

The New Glucose Revolution Low GI Eating Made Easy: The Beginner's Guide to Eating with the Glycemic Index Featuring the Top 100 Low GI Foods

Author: Dr Jennie Brand Miller

In Everyday Low GI Eating, the authors of the New York Times bestseller The New Glucose Revolution show readers how to choose low-GI carbohydrates—the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose levels—so that they feel fuller longer and increase their energy levels, making weight loss achievable and sustainable. Jennie Brand-Miller and Kaye-Foster-Powell, along with Philippa Sandall, offer a simple overview of the GI and why it's such an effective dietary tool; a list of the top 100 low-GI foods divided into easy-to-follow sections such as fruit and veggies, breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, and indulgences; tips on low-GI cooking and shopping; and much more. Complete with a 7-day low-GI meal plan to start readers off on the right foot, Everyday Low GI Eating is a one-stop resource for all those looking for an easy way to make the switch to a low-GI lifestyle.

Read also The Way of Qigong or The Writing Diet

Buried in Treasures: Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving, and Hoarding

Author: David F Tolin

Buried in Treasures outlines a scientifically-based and effective program for helping compulsive hoarders dig their way out of the clutter and chaos of their homes.
Discover the reasons for your problems with acquiring, saving, and hoarding, and learn new ways of thinking about your possessions so you can accurately identify those things you really need and those you can do without. Learn to recognize the "bad guys" that maintain your hoarding behavior and meet the "good guys" who will motivate you and put you on the path to change.
Features of this book include:
-Self-assessments to determine the severity of the problem
-Tips and tools for organizing your possessions and filing your paperwork
-Strategies for changing unhelpful beliefs about your possessions
-Behavioral experiments to reduce your fear of anxiety and fear of discarding.

Dale Farris - Library Journal

In this clear recovery manual, Tolin (director, Anxiety Disorders Ctr., Inst. of Living), Randy O. Frost (psychology, Smith Coll.; coauthor, Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring), and Gail Steketee (clinical practice, Boston Univ. Sch. of Social Work; Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) shed light on compulsive hoarding, a lesser-known behavioral syndrome that is typically grouped with obsessive-compulsiveness. Three main symptoms must be present: a person experiences great difficulty discarding objects that are useless or of limited value, the clutter prevents or seriously limits the use of living space, and the clutter causes significant impairment. Besides defining compulsive hoarding, the authors address special issues involved with the disorder, then follow with a discussion of the current clinical understanding of possible causes, current research on what prevents hoarders from benefiting from organizing programs, how to help motivate those wishing to change, and ways to maintain success in a treatment regimen. Numerous self-assessments and other treatment tools that have been used by the authors with their hoarder patients make the book most suitable for sufferers themselves, rather than professionals. Highly recommended for public libraries and university libraries supporting the helping professions.

What People Are Saying

"I would recommend this book to treatment providers, professional organizers and the compulsive hoarder. This book, if used properly, will guide the reader to clutter-free living!"
—Patricia B. Perkins, JD, Executive Director, OC Foundation, Inc.

"The world's leading experts on compulsive acquiring, hoarding and saving have presented their proven, step-by-step treatment in a practical, easy-to-understand format that will be useful to anyone who hoards, as well as any professional who treats this problem. If you are looking for ways to clear your clutter, you need to read this book now!"
—Martin M. Antony, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor, Department of Psychology, Ryerson University, Author, When Perfect Isn't Good Enough

Table of Contents:
Introduction     3
What Is Compulsive Hoarding?     11
How Did This Happen?     29
Meet the Bad Guys     43
Meet the Good Guys: Strategies for Beating Hoarding     61
Enhancing Motivation     71
Sorting/Discarding: Getting Ready     87
Sorting/Discarding: Let's Go!     111
Help With Reducing Acquiring     123
Here Come the Bad Guys: Part 1. Motivation and Working Time     139
Here Come the Bad Guys: Part 2. Taking on Your Brain     149
Maintaining Your Success     169

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