Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Sexy Years or The Womens Book of Home Remedies

The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men

Author: Suzanne Somers

Getting older can be brutal—women gain weight, lose their sex drive, experience hot flashes, suffer memory loss, become short-tempered, find it difficult to sleep, and on and on. It’s not so easy for men, either—they start to lose energy and stamina as they age, too (and they have to live with women going through menopause). After years of being thin and fit and full of energy, Suzanne herself encountered the “Seven Dwarfs of Menopause”—Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful, and All-Dried-Up. Instead of living out the rest of her life cranky, sleep-deprived, and libido-less, Suzanne set out to discover how she could get her mind, body, and life back and banish those pesky dwarfs for good.

The result is The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection—The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men. In this passionately argued and enormously practical book, Suzanne supports her own research and experiences with the expertise of leading doctors in the field of women’s and men’s health and sexuality to create an inspiring, accessible call-to-arms to women to radically rethink how they approach life after fifty, and give them the tools to turn their lives around.

Suzanne has discovered that the second half of life has been more rewarding, fun, and purposeful than her younger years. The key to her happiness? Taking natural bioidentical hormones. Natural hormones, which mimic the hormones produced in our own bodies that are almost completely lost with aging, are the answer to the symptoms of menopause that plague women. Recent findings from the medical community show thatsynthetic hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) may be harmful to women—thus, thousands of women are looking for what else they can do to alleviate their symptoms. In The Sexy Years, Suzanne comes to the rescue with a step-by-step plan and detailed information about how women can take control of their health, for themselves and for their men, including:

• What the differences are between synthetic and bioidentical hormones, and why bioidentical hormones help women lose weight, reinvigorate their sex lives, and fight the symptoms of aging
• How doctors do not receive adequate training about hormones and are slaves to the pharmaceutical industry, and what questions every woman must ask her physician about hormone replacement therapy and her health
• How Suzanne turned her life around, with information about how often she visits her doctor, blood work, what hormones she takes, how to get these hormones, and more
• What male menopause, or andropause, is and how men can also take bioidentical hormones and regain the energy they had in their youth
• What a variety of specialists think about natural hormones, health, and sexuality—Suzanne shares the best advice from these doctors and provides a resource list of physicians and pharmacies

With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Suzanne has found the fountain of youth, the elixir that has made her feel thirty years old again. In combination with her Somersize diet and fitness plan, which she also writes about here, Suzanne has never felt better. The beauty of growing older, she maintains, is that you can combine the wisdom of age with the vitality of youth. Suzanne makes it perfectly clear how women and men can regain their zest for life at any age. These really are the sexy years!

Publishers Weekly

Somers has chronicled her battle with weight and emotional issues in several books. Now she explains how she's coped with the symptoms of menopause and why she believes most women should take natural hormones during this period. Somers discusses her breast cancer surgery, along with her decision not to undergo certain follow-up treatment but instead adhere to a regimen of natural hormones. To support her case, Somers includes interviews with several physicians who specialize in natural hormones, sexual dysfunction and menopause. Her enthusiastic writing style will especially appeal to readers who have been intimidated by physicians unwilling to offer alternative treatments to menopause's often debilitating symptoms. "Finding the right doctor is difficult," she laments. "Your gynecologist may not be the right person for you at this time.... If [menopause and hormones are] not her specialty, then you have to find a doctor who `gets it.' " Somers stresses the important steps of the process, and discusses reasons why she prefers natural hormones over synthetic substances. She also tackles male menopause, common sexual problems among middle-aged couples and hormones for men. However, since her readers are likely to be women, the subject matter occasionally seems inappropriate. Nonetheless, as an introduction to the subject of alternative treatments for menopause, this book provides a sound synopsis that readers can use to open a dialogue with their physicians. (On sale Feb. 24) Forecast: Given Somers's celebrity and the success of her earlier titles, strong sales are likely. The publisher plans a 20-city TV satellite tour, ads in USA Today and a simultaneous audio edition. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Go to: How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends or Business Writing

The Women's Book of Home Remedies

Author: Consumer Guid

This handy resource gives women the practical advice and medical information they need to prevent, cope with, and/or treat at home dozens of common health problems and discomforts. Written for women by women in easy-to-understand language.

Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Survive Your Babys First Year or A Little Nip A Little Tuck

How to Survive Your Baby's First Year: By Hundreds of Happy Moms and Dads Who Did (and Some Things to Avoid from a Few Who Barely Made It)

Author: Hundreds of Happy Parents

How to Survive Your Baby's First Year, by Hundreds of Happy Moms and Dads Who Did, is here to help make that first year with a new baby a lot easier. The book offers advice from hundreds of parents who have made it through the first year with their own babies and lived to share the secrets of their success.

Unlike other parenting books that give only the opinion of one expert, How to Survive Your Baby's First Year includes words of wisdom from hundreds of parents-both moms and dads, nationwide-who have been-there, done-that. Their sometimes funny and always useful, real-world baby experiences will help new parents face the endless challenges of bringing up a baby. While the advice may not always be in agreement, the variation in opinions goes to show that not all baby experiences will be alike, and what works for some parents may not work for others. Or, in other words, there simply isn't one right answer. The book is designed to give parents insight and information so they can make their own decisions.

How to Survive Your Baby's First Year includes chapters on: pregnancy, birth, breast-feeding and formula, sleeping, work and family, learning, and discipline. Throughout, readers get tips on the best, tried-and-true methods of baby care, and insight into the most fretted about parenting topics, including:

  • Pregnancy-what mom needs now and how dads can help
  • Giving birth-you can prepare for an amazing experience
  • Breast-feeding or formula-moms weigh in on the pros and cons
  • Diapers-quick and dirty tricks to make them disappear fast!
  • Crying and Sleeping-field-tested methods get baby to sleep so you can too
  • Balancing work and family-moms and dads find creative ways to have it all

The stories and tips in the book can help reduce the anxiety levels of expecting and new parents by letting them know others have faced similar challenges, and solutions may be just a few pages away. Reading the book is like having a big circle of seasoned parents in one room offering you their hard-earned advice about your toughest baby questions and sharing their favorite parenting moments.

Los Angeles Daily News

As a new parent, it helps to know that you're not alone in facing one of life's biggest challenges. How to Survive Your Baby's First Year offers a compilation of humorous quotes from mothers and fathers who survived parenthood.


How to Survive Your Baby's First Year offers true-and-true methods of baby care and plenty of insight to the most fretted about parenting topics.

Parents & Kids magazine

Both informative and entertaining, this book is an excellent resource and companion book to other books on babies and parenting.

What People Are Saying

Josef Soloway M.D.
Josef Soloway, M.D., F.A.A.P. Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
An amazing kaleidoscope of insights into surviving parenthood.

Susan Reingold M.A.
Susan Reingold, M.A., Educator
What to read when you're reading the other baby books. The perfect companion for your first-year baby experience.

Erin Brown Conroy M.A.
Erin Brown Conroy, M.A., Mother of twelve; author, columnist, and creator of
Full of real-life ideas and tips. If you love superb resource books for being the best parent you can be, you'll love How to Survive Your Baby's First Year.

See also: What Got You Here Wont Get You There or Should You Really Be a Lawyer

A Little Nip, A Little Tuck: An Insider's Guide to Cosmetic Enhancement

Author: Stephen T Greenberg

You don't have to be a member of the fashionable elite or have a Park Avenue address to look like a million. With the latest innovations in cosmetic surgery, men and women alike are re-evaluating their looks and opting for a myriad of hot new rejuvenating procedures. In-the-know socialites and hardworking housewives alike will find A Little Nip, A Little Tuck to be the 'beauty bible' when it comes to image enhancement. With his discerning eye for beauty and a perfectionist's attention to detail, Dr. Greenberg separates fact from fiction when it comes to cosmetic surgery, empowering readers to make the safest choices for a most enduring result. If you are looking for a head to toe makeover, this book will guide you every step of the way, as you make the journey from average to amazing! Chapter titles include The Quest for Clevage - Losing Inches with Liposuction - The Allure of Flat Abs - Bringing up the Rear - The Eyes Have It - The Perfect Profile - Smoothing Out Wrinkles

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to Keep From Breaking Your Heart or Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Healthiness

How to Keep From Breaking Your Heart: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Cardiovascular Disease

Author: Barbara H Roberts

With an approach that is both compassionate and authoritative, Dr. Roberts provides the facts women need to make the best decisions about their cardiovascular health.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Sahil Bakshi, D.O. (Ochsner Clinic Foundation)
Description: Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death for both men and women in the United States. According to a recent statistic from the American Heart Association, 267,000 American women die of heart disease each year, far greater than from all the cancers combined! There is increasing evidence confirming gender-biased differences within the realm of heart disease. For example, the mortality of a woman following a myocardial infarction is three times that of a man, and women are also more susceptible to experiencing sudden cardiac death due to coronary artery disease (CAD) than men.
Purpose: This new book is intended to educate women (and men) about cardiovascular disease, which will ultimately kill more than 40 percent of all women. The purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical review of heart disease and the way it affects women in particular.
Audience: Intended to appeal to women from all walks of life, the book is written in a casual, yet authoritative manner. This is apparent in the personal tone that the author uses right from the introduction, and continues even when she is explaining complex topics. Having practiced cardiology for than 25 years, Dr. Roberts often draws upon her own clinical experiences to help the reader associate with the subject matter. Throughout the book, each topic and its discussion are well supported by quoting the literature and the most recent research relevant to it.
Features: The book is organized into three main sections with the first emphasizing prevention. Starting with a brief review of anatomy and physiology of the heart, the book continues on to explain various risk factors and how the reader can modify them. Hormone replacement therapy, for example, is a relatively new and somewhat controversial issue in women's health today. The author does a great job explaining this subject in detail, referencing the data, and finally explaining the various options women have. Another section concentrates on the various treatment options available and explains these in a simple and concise fashion.
Assessment: There is overwhelming evidence that supports the concept that women face a disparity in the evaluation of CAD, even though CAD in women is the leading cause of death in the United States. Although physicians play an important role in changing this trend, educating the general public (especially women) about their disease processes, signs, and symptoms is critical. The book is well timed and, although targeted primarily towards women, is an excellent educational and insightful resource for both women and men.


3 Stars from Doody

Go to: The Secular Revolution or Pottsville Firefighting Pennsylvania

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness

Author: Dean Edell

America is in a chronic state of confusion and anxiety about matters of health. Each day, we are bombarded with news of medical breakthroughs, wonder drugs, and hidden dangers. Now author and radio host Dr. Dean Edell clears things up with this at-home medical resource that squarely confronts more than five hundred common health concerns, including:

  • The skinny on fat, carbs, Atkins, and Xenical
  • Sex, with a look at Viagra, orgasms, chlamydia, and HPV
  • "Alternative medicine" and the myths of herbs, essential oils, and supplements
  • Women's issues, from fertility to breast-feeding to fibroids
  • Botox, breast implants, and the business of beauty
  • Infectious diseases, from the common cold to the West Nile virus
  • Cancer—breast, colon, prostate—and advances in early
  • screening and treatment
  • Addictions, including coffee, booze, grass, Vicodin, and Paxil

Containing quizzes, symptom checklists, web links, and recommended reading lists, this invaluable guide will help you take charge of your own health, save time and money, and alleviate anxiety over health issues today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Basic Weight Training for Men and Women or Livin Large

Basic Weight Training for Men and Women

Author: Thomas D Fahey

This popular text for is a comprehensive, practical guide to developing a personalized weight-training program with both free weights and machines. Weight training concepts and specific exercises are grouped by body region, and many photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and figures demonstrate proper technique and form.

Table of Contents:

1. Basic Weight Training

2. Weight Training and Your Body

3. Weight Training Guidelines

4. How Weight Training Improves Your Body

5. Getting Started: The Basics

6. Developing the Chest and Shoulders

7. Developing the Arms

8. Developing the Back and Neck

9. Developing the Abdominal Muscles

10. Developing the Lower Body

11. Exercises to Develop Speed and Power

12. Nutrition for Weight Training

13. Ergogenic Aids: Drugs and Supplements

APPENDIX 1: Muscular System

APPENDIX 2: Skeletal System

APPENDIX 3: Weight Training Exercises for Machines and Free Weights

APPENDIX 4: Norms and Test Procedures for Measuring Strength




Book about: Change or Die or The Best of 2600

Livin' Large: African American Sisters Confront Obesity

Author: Stacy Ann Mitchell

Through sound medical information, humorous dialogue between sisters, thoughtful essays, and real-life conversations, this book takes African American women through an informative journey of self-awareness and empowerment about their own bodies. Sixty-five percent of African American women are overweight and obese-making this group a particular target for early death and disability. Presented here are all the medical facts necessary for women to make informed, educated decisions about weight and health. Included are information about finding one's ideal weight, tips on what to ask the doctor, and strategies for reaching and maintaining weight goals and optimum health. This book puts to rest the fallacy that the problem with obesity is aesthetic and with humor, understanding, and a conversational tone offers practical tips for handling the real medical concerns involved.

About the Author:
Stacy Ann Mitchell, M.D., is a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine in private practice with a focus on cardiovascular disease prevention. She is a founding medical director of the Hypertension Institute at Centinela Hospital and is a clinical instructor at the University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine. She lives in Inglewood, California. Teri Mitchell is a journalist, lawyer, and producer for NBC's Dateline. She has received numerous television and journalism awards including an Edward R. Murrow award for Excellence in Journalism and two Emmy nominations. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Library Journal

Being overweight is a major factor in the development of diabetes and high blood pressure, so Mitchell, who treats overweight patients, and her sister, who has struggled with her weight, team up to share their advice on keeping off fat. (LJ 11/1/04) Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Degrees of Reiki or Joy Full Holistic Remedies

Degrees of Reiki

Author: Maureen J Kelly

Maureen Kelly is a reiki master and teacher in her native New Zealand. She is also the author of the bestselling title Reiki and the Healing Buddha. In the current book she describes the various levels or degrees of reiki and explains what each degree consists of and even provides teaching indications and notes for each degree, all the way up to the Reiki Master level.

Interesting textbook: The Secret of Scent or Magic Cancer Bullet

Joy-Full Holistic Remedies: How to Experience Your Natural Ability to Heal

Author: Georgie Holbrook

About the Author:

Georgie Holbrook was a business consultant specializing in solving employee, financial, and marketing problems. She details how she used problem-solving business techniques for seven years to heal Rosacea a deforming, disfiguring disease.

She has taught nationally in promoting holistic healing for 20 years. She has witnessed many people heal when others thought it was impossible. She wrote the book she looked for in her time of need; a self-help book on how to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.

What People Are Saying

Jack McGinnis
Georgie doesn't know the words can't heal. Her story will encourage and give hope to many who may have temporarily lost their will to go on.
Rev. Jack McGinnis, Freeheart - Addiction Recovery

Anae Campbell
A truly holistic story! We hear about healing these days, but rarely do we really get the whole picture. I recommend this healing story to all my clients.
Anae Campbell, Ph.D. Naturopathic Practitioner

John D. Huff
In sharing her insights on healing Georgie inspires each of us to uncover our spiritual center -- where the potential for all healing resides.
John D. Huff, MD., F.A.C.S.

Linda Bedre
A woman who "walks her talk" has written of her search for wellness...a journey along many paths to find common sense answers for all ages.
Linda Bedre, President, A New Way

Vincent Colelli
Determination helped her heal. This self-help book offers others the gift of life. Physical problems come in many disguises as we push our bodies to their limits.
Vincent Colelli, Heart Transplant Recipient

Teal Chimblo
Georgie Holbrook's story is the illumination at the end of the tunnel for anyone suffering from a serious illness or simply the disease of stressful modern life. Joy-Full Holistic Remedies will challenge what you think you know about - the prevention, creation and healing of illness, and provide you with a guide map to recovering your own joy in body and soul.
Teal Chimblo, President, Teal Designs